Anita Grossman Solomon

Anita Grossman Solomon lives in midtown Manhattan where she constructs artful bed quilts from classic blocks. Previously an art curator, she took up quilt making in 1990 becoming a full-time international teacher with workshops around the world including venues in Abu Dhabi, Johannesburg and the Panama Canal.  You may have watched her on “Simply Quilts”, “The Quilt Show’, and “Quilt Out Loud". She’s written three books for C&T Publishing and contributed to several others. Her quilts have been displayed everywhere from the ceiling of the International Quilt Festival in Houston to an enormous screen high above Times Square in New York City. Robert Kaufman Fabrics debuted her KONA® fabric palette of 32 colors. She is a two-time Instructor for which published her column The Fiber of My Being. She’s blessed with a fine eye, curiosity, patience and a good sense of direction.


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